Brett Kast and sons of Kast Farms

My folks had me in the fields when I was 12 years old thinning apples by hand. I didn’t start out loving farming. I hated it! I couldn’t wait to get out of there. I really didn’t want to be a farmer. I traveled around, attended business school, and found myself working on a big gas rig in Texas – thinking about my family farm. So, I came home. Over the years, I learned great apples come out of good management practices. I could sink my teeth into that. Living on the land and starting my family here has given me an entirely new perspective on the importance of family farming. I have become passionate about locally sourced food, and sustainable farming practices like irrigating from our own streams and creeks but using technology to filter the water and make sure none of it is wasted. A lot has changed since my grandfather started in the apple industry using a horse-drawn wagon in our orchards, but his commitment to growing the best apples is in my DNA. Protecting and building his legacy for my two boys is what makes being in the orchard sunup to sundown worth it.

Watch KAST Farms Video

“Sustainable growing methods are the core of our mission to put the best product possible in the hands of the consumer.”

Brett Kast, (Brantley’s dad)


When you bite a Crunch Time apple you are tasting not just an incredible apple, but the love and labor of 147 family farmers across the great state of New York. Every Crunch Time applies non-GMO – super crunchy, delightfully juicy, beautifully colored and carefully grown. When you purchase a Crunch Time apple you are biting into a little history and helping sustain the future of family farming for generations to come.